new parts for Select
Filipe Pfluck
add a Searchable part and a AddTrigger part for the Select component.
The searchable part would be an input to search the options like this:
(Yes I know the Select already has type-ahead support, but I'm suggesting an actual search which filters the options)
The AddTrigger would be a button that appears at the end of the list and let the user create a new option if one doesn't exist yet. Similar to this:
Christian Schröter
Available as example
Filipe Pfluck
the Search for the Select may be too similar to the ComboBox but it has some differences. The Combobox is a input with suggestions, this would be a select but you can search for the options. The options get filtered and you can't leave a invalid valid in the input while in the combo box can.
I'm sure both suggestions are already achievable with some custom code on userland, but it would be quite handy if it was supported out of the box